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复活节彩蛋英文:Easter egg

复活节彩蛋英文:Easter egg

In the twelfth century, people added eggs to Easter celebrations。 The eggs were painted mostly red, but also colored and smiling faces。 Therefore, it is generally called "Easter eggs" (also known as Easter eggs)。 The original symbolic meaning of eggs is "spring - the beginning of a new life"。 Christians are used to symbolize "the resurrection of Jesus, out of the stone tomb"。 Easter eggs are the most important food symbol in Easter, which means the beginning and continuation of life。 Nowadays, there are many patterns and forms of colored eggs, such as hollowed-out egg carvings, which can also be classified into the broad category of colored eggs。


Easter is a traditional Christian festival commemorating the resurrection of Jesus three days after his death, on the first Sunday after the full moon in the spring equinox every year。 As for the origin of Easter, both Chinese and Western historians have speculated that Easter may have originated in ancient Egypt (also known as "the Spring Festival", "the Spring Festival", "Shamo", meaning "the recovery of all things")。 In the 13th century BC, the festival spread from Hebrews who fled Egypt to "Canaan America" to the area of Palestine and evolved thereafter。 It became the Passover of Judaism。 Later, because Jesus was crucified during Passover, it became Good Friday in Pan-Christianity。 After that, the Passover Eucharist and Easter Eucharist became controversial in the church。 Finally, at the conference in Nicea, it was finally decided to cancel the Passover and only observe Easter。 The custom of Easter Egg was born in the twelfth century when Western Egg Culture and Christian Culture were merged。 Its main contents were "scraping eggs", "donating eggs", "eating eggs" and "comparing eggs"。 It differed from each other because of its long history, different regions and different beliefs。

